[eGroupWare-windows] S distrusted by English and Dutch alike,
2009-09-03 19:50:16 UTC
bring about a considerable falling off of voters for the Afrikander
Bond, and thereby substantially influence the results of the next
election to the Cape Parliament. At this period certain overtures were
made once again to the Bond party. They proceeded apparently from men
supposed to act on their own initiative, but who were known to be in
favour at Groote Schuur. These advances met with no response, but when
the rumour that they had been made spread among the public owing to an
indiscretion, Rhodes hastened to deny that he had been a party to the
plan--as was his wont when he failed to achieve. All the same, it is a
fact that members of the House of Assembly belonging to the Afrikander
party visited Groote Schuur in the course of that last winter which
Rhodes spent there, and were warmly welcomed. Rhodes showed himself
unusually gracious. He hoped t
