[eGroupWare-windows] Owed to his Jewish education, and, also
2010-03-19 11:45:14 UTC
His will that mankind should make some great step
forward, should achieve some pregnant discovery, that is, discovery loaded with benefits to our race, he calls into being some cerebral organization
of more than ordinary magnitude and power, as that of David, Isaiah,
Plato, Shakespeare, Bacon, Newton, Luther, Pascal. _Here we discover
the cause of the superior character of Christ as a teacher_, which is assigned by all the leading spirits in modern unbelief, viz: a finely endowed cerebral organization,
and a Jewish education; these are constantly presented as sufficient to meet the scientific demand for the cause
of his life and teachings, _or the cause of

Christianity_. But there is a scientific demand lying behind all this,

viz: what is the cause of this fine cerebral organization, which was so wonderful as to produce the most wonderful character of all ages? The answer, given in the clear-cut words of all except Atheists, who say there is no God, _is this_, "The all-wise disposer of all things
sends just such

men into our race,
when any great step forward is necessary to be made--that he endows them with direct reference to the discoveries
and achievements to be made." So the great cause, after all, is, upon their own showing, the will
and power of God; for if he endowed him, as they claim, with direct reference to his teachings

and achievements, it follows of necessity, that he wil
